Thursday, January 08, 2009


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What--you were expecting something else...?

Sebastian explains why.

Vanderboegh, WRSA and Jeff Knox aren't buying it.

I'll weigh in later today.


triptyx said...

*bangs head on desk repeatedly*

Be vewwwwy vewwwy quiet....

Anonymous said...

The National HUNTING Rifle Association.
For a while longer.
"Safari" connotes "big game." Big game requires big bullets. The NRA has failed to defend the right to own a .50 BMG semi-auto. When they get around to elephant-taking double-rifles, hear them squeal...

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute...... This is the prags BIG chance. Why aren't they taking it?!? Fight the fight with words instead of with guns. Don't they have ANY place where they will take a stand?!?


Anonymous said...

As I have said until I've been blue in the face. My personal take on the NRA is they are nothing but a group of fat cat, lobbyist who look out for themselves first and the members someplace and somewhere well behind that.
What maybe good for the membership does not mean that its good for the fat parasites running the NRA show. So the old farts who refuse to see the NRA for what it is keep funding that group and younger folks are not signing up. I kind of wonder if the NRA knows this and is just milking it because the old farts will have died off soon so what's the point in wasting good money that could be spent on wages and retiremenet. After all, who cares if there is no longer gun ownership the members are all old and have died off. The bottom line looks to be the same as far as the NRA goes.
Turning off my dry humor.

Anonymous said...

We members control the NRA (Not Relevant Anymore). We members can change the course of the NRA, by voting for members of the Board, just as we the people can change Congress. We have met the enemy and he is us.

Next thought: Vanderboegh is correct. Only about three percent care enough to make that change. Three percent isn't enough to Change the Direction of the Not Relevant Anymore, nor Congress.

What to do? Survival is a strategy.

Keep your basic load at hand, perform PMCS and watch yer six.


Anonymous said...

For every five letters I used to write to my elected officials, I used to send one to the NRA to ask them to PLEASE stop giving away the store. Never got a response. Never. I was an annual member, then decided to "save" money by going Life. I realized that with them as our friends, my life would go on long after my gun rights were gone.
Well, IF I was a good serf.
I stopped paying those Life installments. They call me about twice a week so I can rejoin and "fight for our rights."
Look at Maryland. L. Neil Smith reminds us that the NRA co-wrote Maryland's draconian handgun ban for fear that they would pass something worse. "Please don't break my arm. Here, look. I'll break my own finger instead, OK? OK, TWO fingers this year, two next year."
And you do, and next year they break BOTH your arms anyway.

David Codrea said...

Thing is, Longbow, I proposed how to effect change at the NRA Director level some time back.

Naturally, no one paid the least bit of attention to it.

If nothing else, my conscience is clear that I'm doing everything I can think of to bring about peaceable change.