Monday, March 30, 2009

Not a Predictor of Future Good Behavior

But as the 10th anniversary of the high school massacre approaches, lawmakers are considering a bill that would waive the checks for anyone holding a concealed-carry permit.

Police chiefs and sheriffs are among those who testified against the measure, which is scheduled to be heard by the full Senate next week...

"Getting a permit is not a predictor of future good behavior," said Eileen McCarron, president of Colorado Ceasefire Capitol Fund. [More]

Oh, and becoming an "Only One" is, genius?

And Linda Newell: You're a liar with a big "but". If you were "pro-Second Amendment," you'd be championing "shall not be infringed."

[Via Mama Liberty]


Defender said...

Being paroled isn't a predictor of future good behavior either, yet most governments LOVE doing it for incredibly bad criminals.
Eileen McCARRION can STFU.
Newell is dumbing liberty down and should resign immediately. She is violating her oath of office.

Rev. Paul said...

Alaska long since waived checks for those with concealed-carry permits ... and sonofagun, we've had no problems.

John said...

I defy Ms. McCarron to define a "Predictor of Future Good Behavior". knowing the future is one of the things humans are not very good at.
