Saturday, December 12, 2009

Authorized Journalism 101: Gun Coverage

We talked about Schumer's latest treason here.

This video is ABC's advocacy piece for that, masked, of course, as straight news. You'll note the possibility there might be other opinions--or even information like the govt was getting ready to deploy Nidal Hasan to a war zone--is not entertained.

There's a prime directive of Authorized Journalism 101 in there somewhere.

Here's another:

Remember, when you read the line "Hasan had a laser sight on his pistol to increase accuracy," to put a disgusted look on your face.

And funny--with all their resources, you'd think somebody would be able to come up with answers to my questions. That is, if they wanted to.

[Via Nightlights]


Joe G. said...

Prime Directive: you got that right. I can usually win a game of "assault weapon" bingo 30 seconds into any "news" report even if the story involves a handgun.

NoelArmourson said...

One of the CBS morning news guys said Hasan used a "laser-guided high-powered handgun". I still don't know where I could get one of those...

Defender said...

The local CBS affiliate has been repeating themantra "semiautomatic machine gun" about a MAC 10 semiauto bough by a qualified person here in Virgina and then given to a rapper (!) in NYC who used it to shoot someone in Times Square in gun free New York.
I missed the initial incident what, days ago? You'd think they;d have time to have done a little research on gun mechanisms and laws. Research? Who has time to do research? The drum mus be banged continually.
They had time to go to the rapper's website and download a sample of his "music..."

David Codrea said...

Yeah, we just talked about that.

straightarrow said...

Are you sure you meant journalism and not urinealism? Because these bastards sure piss me off.

I exclude Shumer from the categorization of bastard, as he would need more improvement than there is in the world to attain the status of bastard.

Kevin Wilmeth said...

Urinealism. Holy smokes, SA, I genuinely lost coffee over that. It's effin' perfect.

Would you mind my using that term? I'm a pretty happy attributionist.

Jeez, now I gotta clean up.

straightarrow said...

Use it everywhere and anywhere you think it helps. Everybody