Saturday, December 12, 2009

We're the Only Ones "I'll Save You, Nell!" Enough

Const. Dudas left his truck, grabbed one of the young women and punched her in the face...

[A] female passerby witnessed a constable openly masturbating in his unmarked police vehicle...[

And naturally, the punishment fits the crime.

I guess they call them "Mounties" because if they decide to mount you, you're supposed to take it and like it. You see, of course, why the Canadian government considers such as these the "Only Ones," so that even the possession of EBLs will result in a SWAT response with air support...

[Via Long Island Mike]


straightarrow said...

What a fucking surprise! Sexual deviants, perverts, bullies and liars are attracted to the immunity a gun and a badge provide, not matter the country.

For those of you in liberal land the above is sarcasm. What should be surprising, but is not because we have seen it so often, is how those who aren't sexual deviants, perverts, bullies, and liars gather 'round these guys and protect them from the punishment or death they would deal out to any other citizen.

anhourofwolves said...

Add to that list This piece of shit

Kevin Wilmeth said...

the constable “simply smiled” at the passerby “and kept on masturbating.”

Of course he did. And the ungrateful cow didn't even take the hint.

It's almost a surprise she didn't get slapped with a charge of Refusal To Come To The Aid Of A Law Enforcement Officer, or something like that.