Friday, March 12, 2010

Come and Get 'em

We talked briefly about this here.

Oh, how nice. The cops will return his guns--they just have to "go through the paperwork" and he can "pick them up at a later date".

Funny. I don't seen an offer to deliver them back. I don't see an apology. I don't see anyone begging for forgiveness. And I don't see any consequences spelled out to keep this from happening again.

More here and here.

[Via Kevin Starrett and Orygunner]


W W Woodward said...

The folks in New Orleans are still waiting to, "pick up their guns at a later date."

We're from the government and we're here to help you."


Sean said...

I'm here because I'm free, and this gun in my hands is to emphasize that point.

Anonymous said...

If this is the game that we are forced to play then ALL tyrants must die at the front door!!!! It doesn't matter what "Superhero" suit that they are wearing at that time.

Folks, these tyrants who represent the police state are very serious in their desires to see YOU ruined for life OR just plain dead. They are not going away and they are not backing down. It's decision time folks!!

Newark, Ohio

Anonymous said...

He did get his guns back.

Which is great and all, but it sets a terrible precedent for gun owners. Submit! Submit and nothing will happen! See!

I would not have come out. Not without my lawyer and the media being there.

Under what circumstances would you?

SOMEone has to have given this more thought than I.