Friday, April 16, 2010

In Your Face Back At'cha

I was testing a suspicion that Google hits for "teabagger" outnumber "tea partier" (my hunch was right, which says something about how the left has been able to spread a disparaging meme) and I stumbled across this page . Click on graphics to enlarge.

"Republican gene pool" dissed in the scrolling marquee:

Sarah Palin with a gun to her head and the caption "Do It!"

Brought to you by Pic-N-Save. (Not to be confused with Pick 'N Save).

They can't say they don't know.

Ask them why they haven't done anything about it. Don't they want our business?


Anonymous said...

The left suffers from a gigantic case of collective psychological projection. Everything they are (hateful, keeping minorities down, anti-free speech, propaganda eaters) they project onto mainstream America while ignoring the cancer within themselves.

Joel said...

Damn all those hate-filled right-wingers!


PeaceableGuy said...

Granted, the term "teabagger" entered the mainstream years ago with the advent of popular multiplayer shooter games, where it was common for annoying players to crouch repeatedly over the head of a downed foe, thus "teabagging" them.

I still think your determination is correct, but only because the term 'tea partier' hasn't really caught on among the actual... tea partiers. :)