Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Love You, You Love Me...

Brave teacher. [Read]

Criminal that people are forced by their government to be helpless, unable to protect the most vulnerable entrusted to their care...

I wonder if any of the guns being used outside by those who not only laugh at--but count on--such restrictions were "walked"? Or sold to them by the same "officials" who restrict the "law-abiding"?

[Via Zachary G]

1 comment:

Mike H said...

This crappola reminds me of the authority hound aka Officer Webb, who complained to me about the gun on my hip at a community meeting in a church office. He threatened to take my gun and permit away. He didn't.
Some time later, this gun conscious only one got in an argument with his wife on the street near us actually, whipped out his service gun and blew his brains out in front of said wife and one of his kids.