Tuesday, May 31, 2011

We're the Only Ones Trained Enough

Jay McDonald, president of the Ohio Fraternal Order of Police, said it is ridiculous to compare a trained police officer to a regular citizen who happens have a concealed carry permit. 

"We are required to meet a much higher level of training and re-training for how to properly handle our weapons and we are trained to know in which situations to shoot and not to shoot," McDonald said. "If they want to require the same level of training for CCW holders as I have to meet as a law enforcement officer, then we will drop our opposition."[More]
Can anybody think of one good reason why we should be required to feed this parasite?


Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me) said...

This, from the Only Ones, the people who shoot the wrong person five times more often than the armed citizen, and lie about it afterwards.

Kent McManigal said...

Can we then get the same free pass when we shoot innocent people as "law enforcement officers" do?

Stranger said...

At the moment, it appears one police shooting in 7 is "in error" while only one in 50 civilian self defense shootings is in error. If that is a result of "higher levels of training for LEO's" they should stop training LEO's immediately and substitute untrained civilians.

Civilians are much less trigger happy - and far more likely to bring in a live perp instead of a dead someone who was "standing on corner minding own business."

And to answer the question, not even one reason to keep feeding the catfish.


MamaLiberty said...

Might be interesting to keep a few of them, properly caged and maintained in a cop zoo. You know, for educational purposes...

On the street loose? Not a chance.

Anonymous said...

Fact of the matter is, this parasite is full of ego on his government loot taking from the productive citizens at gun point.
Lets be fair as in all fairness. This parasite does not have the ability to find work that he can make anywhere close to the money and bennies in the private sector. So who is smarter, a full on bottom feeder or the people who earn their money from productive work?