Monday, December 12, 2011

All You Need to Know


[Via Mack H]


Mack said...

Such a clueless cretin.

He seems to tolerate edged weapons, what he calls knives, though.

Mark Roote said...

I tried to read through the comments, but didn't get very far.
I wish I were a better speaker, but here are a couple of my thoughts:
1) Let's advocate a "reasonable restriction" on the right to free speech. I say we limit this jackass to no more than 50 words per day because reading him makes my head hurt and could lead to an aneurysm (I don't recall where I first heard this line of thought mentioned, but I know that I didn't come up with it)
2) Do none of these people realize that a "gun" can be made with parts bought at the local hardware store? Do they also not realize that ammo can be made with items purchased pretty easily in the market, most of them are not even hard to find?
3) With the number of corrupt government employees, do they really think that evil people won't have access to weapons?

Seriously, these people make my head hurt, it should be a crime.