Monday, December 12, 2011

How's That Again?

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) also said Lowe's is choosing to disregard the First Amendment. [More]
Followed by:
Sen. Ted Lieu, D-Torrance, told The Associated Press he would also consider legislative action if Lowe's doesn't apologize to Muslims and reinstate its ads.


Anonymous said...

Hell- its their(Lowe's) money. If they don't want to support the show how can you force them to? Johnny Gee

Kent McManigal said...

Silly puppeticians. The First Amendment outlaws YOUR actions; no one else's.

Unknown said...

Simple. My speech is free. Yours? Mmm, not so much.

Plus, you have money. Tort payday's a-comin'!

David Codrea said...

Ed left this comment under the "Only Ones" post, so I'm just putting it here where it belongs:

Wow. These politicians have a complete lack of understanding on how the 1st Amendment applies to business. If they truly believed in commercial 1st Amendment rights then they should advocate that tobacco companies sponsor this program instead of Lowe's. Better yet, what would be the effect of an alcohol vendor, Victoria's Secret or a pork products company sponsoring this program?

One of the fundamental concepts of the 1st Amendment right to free speech is the ability to select the topic, content and medium of your speech, or in this case the choice not to speak. No advertiser should be compelled to sponsor any program that may adversely alter consumer's perceptions of the business. No business should be compelled to sponsor or not to sponsor anything. That is their choice.

If any consumer feels slighted or not slighted by Lowe's choice to sponsor or not to sponsor anything, then they are free to choose to purchase or not to purchase goods and services from Lowe's. That is freedom. Freedom is a painful concept to those who would control you.

David Codrea said...

And by the way, Ed raises an excellent, insightful point--if Jimmy Dean Sausage tried to run ads on this show, would the network say "No"?

Laughing here.

MamaLiberty said...

Damned if they do, and damned if they don't. I hope everyone sees how this sort of thing contributes to the chilling of the economy. Why would anyone want to start a business now - large or small?

Mack said...

Sharia law is coming. Watch the skies.

Mark Roote said...

Hell- its their(Lowe's) money. If they don't want to support the show how can you force them to? Johnny Gee

How can the government force anyone to spend money on anything they don't want or need? We're watching that play out right now ala the Individual Mandate.

Ed said...

Thanks for re-posting the comment. when you are the first to comment, you do not have the benefit of the other comments to reinforce that you are commenting in the right place.

And yes, I do believe that Jimmy Dean Sausage, Victoria's Secret, and Mogen MD20 should try to sponsor this program and go public with the network's response. Even better, why not have a correspondence art school run a "Draw Mohammed" promotion during a commercial? Now that would be free expression.

Forced sponsorship is selective taxation, not free speech.

Anonymous said...

It frightens me to think that these idiots are very likely law school graduates and have passed a bar exam without knowing the slightest thing about constitutional law. It's no wonder that lawyer jokes are so prevalent.
