Thursday, August 11, 2005

Brady Center: Ginning Up Jonesboro

"You kill five people in cold blood, shocking an entire nation. You go to prison. Seven years later, you get out, and you are free to buy all the guns you want."
Sounds like a perfect reason to disarm you and me.

"[T]his is a textbook case of an individual who should be deemed by society as forever barred from the privilege of owning a gun."

Well, doesn't this little revelation prove the lie that they're not interested in disarming Americans--only in having "sensible gun laws"?

It ain't a "privilege."

True, it's outrageous that the "justice" system reintroduces monsters in our midst. As long as it does, expecting the rest of us to be even more defenseless is criminal and insane.

My thoughts on the effectiveness of laws that disarm segments of our non-incarcerated society--for whatever reason--can be found here.

Bottom line: Anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian.


Anonymous said...

Seems thee's another lie: How is it that he's free to buy more guns? As an ex-felon, I thought he WAS banned from buying more guns. Of course, NO laws matter if the felon's gonna get them illegally.

Anonymous said...

Aww David, I must take issue with your statement about the effectiveness of disarming any segment of our non-incarcerated society. It seems to me, it is very effective. Wasn't it members of an unarmed segment of our non-incarcerated society that this little monster killed so easily? Thus giving rise to the now complaint of since we are helpless we need to surrender more autonomy to the state so we can be effectively (there's that word again) controlled.... er, uh.... protected, I mean.

Oh wait, you meant effective from the standpoint of the self-defense of the victims,,, well, then nevermind the above, forget I ever said anything. How did I know you were going to resort to the reprehensible position of the civil and natural and/or God given rights of a citizen to not be helpless in the face of murderous aggression?

Boy! Talk about using logic unfairly. You could cause cerebral hemorhages in the liberal nanny staters. You're one smart dude, keep it up.