Thursday, August 11, 2005

Vacation, All I Ever Wanted...

I've been on full system burn for the past 5 months, working 7 days a week at my "real" job, posting to this site, and turning in my magazine columns by deadline.

I'm taking 2 weeks off. Posting will be sporadic.

Vistors are invited to make yourselves at home. Go ahead and explore all the rooms, put your feet up on the furniture and scrounge around in the fridge. There's archives over in that column on the left, as well as links to other blogs that have the good taste and sound judgment to link back to WoG.

I'll be checking in from time to time to see if the place has burned down yet, or if anybody needs a beer or something...


David Codrea said...

Well, I see it didn't take long for the parasite spammers to move in and steal free advertising space.

Anonymous said...


Enjoy sir.