Saturday, October 29, 2005

Name the Liberal Hypocrite Quiz

1. Which liberal says that labor unions are essential for worker rights and accepted the Cesar Chavez Award for their contributions to the labor movement, but uses non-union labor in the hotels, restaurants, and Napa Valley Vineyard that they own?
a. Susan Sarandon
b. Paul Newman
c. Nancy Pelosi

Caveat: I haven't personally verified the answers, but this is very interesting and appears credible.

[Via God, Guns, Glory!]


Anonymous said...

David, you'll have to tell me. I can download pdf files, but for some reason I can't open them and read them.

David Codrea said...

Have you installed the latest Adobe Reader? It's a free download.

Anonymous said...

I have tried three times, doesn't help. Even have a disc, I loaded from, same deal.

David Codrea said...

Beats me. I'm a technical slow learner.

I'll email you the quiz.