Saturday, October 29, 2005

"Obviously, We Cannot Support Guns, So It Was Taken Out."


Seeing as how Judy Yu is a practitioner of Stalinist revisionism, why would we expect anything else?


Anonymous said...

Funny that. He wants the United States off the planet, out of existence? Why the Hell doesn't he want himself off the United States.

Since we have no intention of leaving the planet, wouldn't it be considerate of us to see that he didn't need to suffer us with his presence? I think we should send him to live among those he admires so, whether he wants to or not. Perhaps they will teach him how to wear one of those dynamite fashion statements. He should have no choice about remaining here. He needs to be removed from the country.

E. David Quammen said...

Obviously....sounds like words from the mouths of Hitler or Stalin. They did seem to learn from Goebbels though, ( doctoring the photograph).
Do you think it ever dawns on these people what they are really saying? And who they are saying it to? Any idiot can see that communism, nazism and even socialism has not and cannot work! What type of mentality desires enslavement?

David Codrea said...

"What type of mentality desires enslavement?"

The type doing the enslaving.

Anonymous said...

I recall when reading extensively about the Nazis,and their philosophy(?) that they decided from the beginning, when they had only a little influence, to be right out front about what they believed in. Their reasoning? Simple. There were and are many people whose idea of "order" and "law" is that boot Orwell wrote about, forever stamping on a persons'face. They figure they can control the masses with the fallacy that the masses are also on the same side as they, the tyrants are, and that they'll absolutely brutalize anyone who they disagree with. Unfortunately, the masses one day find that A:The tyrants are now WAY out of control,B:It's every man for himself because now everyone is scared to death they'll be picked up and tortured to death by the regime, of course after their families have been torn asunder,C:The regime is in control of everything and everyone, and no one has a chance of resisting. Without any means of resistance, people enter a kind of social winter, where they believe whatever they're told, and they don't give a damn about anything other than staying out of trouble and getting drunk. Kind of like Germany 1933-1945 and the Soviet Union 1917-1989. In both cases, it didn't end until outside influences,physical and economic,brought them down.