Friday, November 25, 2005

Doing the Math in Gun-Free Schools

A high school math teacher was arrested after she brought an unloaded revolver onto school grounds in her vehicle...Barbara A. Rhoads, a math teacher at Pender High School, was charged Tuesday with felony possession of a weapon on educational property...A telephone tipster told Principal Robbie Cauley about the gun in Rhoads' vehicle...She acknowledged she had a handgun in her locked vehicle and gave consent for a search...

Let's see, she's a math teacher, so do the math. There are 10 Amendments in the Bill of Rights. Take away the Second, and you have...

We need to keep an eye on this as it unfolds--perhaps she was unsound, and a caring family member stopped a tragedy. Or, perhaps this is simply a case of a snitch getting revenge, in which case, such bravery and loyalty to the state deserves public recognition.

Too many people are unaware of their rights and the repercussions of ceding them. She should have refused the search and demanded to consult her lawyer. The cops would have gotten a warrant anyway, but it could have thrown a probable cause roadblock in the way of the prosecutor--who doesn't seem inclined to give her any consideration for her cooperation, what with the felony charge.

If convicted of keeping and bearing arms in a verboten zone, maybe she'll get put in with the general violent prison population where she can get stomped to death for taking cuts in the chow line. I know one person her going to the slammer will suit just fine--won't it, Wayne?


Anonymous said...

Oooh! Oooh! Pick me! Pick me!

Ten rights in the Bill of Rights, you take away the 2nd, you have...NONE!!! The 2A enables us to preserve the rest by force if necessary.

David Codrea said...

Go to the head of the class!