Wednesday, November 02, 2005

It's Your Civic Duty

Stockpiling supplies and developing family response plans in case disaster strikes not only might save lives — it's also a civic duty, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said Monday in an interview with The Associated Press.

What about weapons and ammo, Bender? Why the silence?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Because it would take a pair of (insert male description here) to come right out and (assert position here) that you need,and will always need, guns and ammo and the ability to use them. 'Course, when the Big Change arrives, I recoil in sheer horror to think about the many thousands of clueless,useful,idiots who will be running amok,looking for food, water, and a gun.Oh well. Hey, remember National Ammo Day is Nov.19. Buy 100 rounds of ammo(at least) and piss off a liberal weenie.