Friday, December 09, 2005

Finger Pointing

Vinzant persuasively suggests that, when one looks at gun manufacturers as a business rather than through a gauze of romanticism or a shroud of demonization, it becomes difficult to refute the proposition that the gun industry, like any other, should be held accountable for the foreseeable damage that it causes.

Like any other industry, it is, you dolt. If we buy a gun and it fails to perform or injures us due to defects, we have--and have always had legal recourse.

What you want is for the gun industry to be treated unlike any other industry, and subject to punishment when its products are intentionally or negligently misused.

What you want is to disarm your countrymen, and that makes you contemptible.


Anonymous said...

Contemptible is not the word that comes to my mind. Why do people write such crap? Because they hate the light, and love the darkness. People, in general are no damned good. A civilization is achieved when enough people have courage enough to recognize the truth, and put it into action. Why don't more people do that? Because most are cowards. Yeah, I've heard the one about a mans' views of society being an admission of his own stance. Try this. A man believing himself to be honest surrounded by liars and thieves. How does he know he is honest? He doesn't lie or steal. If you were to look at things like I do, you would see rampant lying, stealing, and out of control corruption in all levels of government.Am I immune to this? No. Do I at least recognize it for what it is, and resolve not to be like that? Yes. I'd like a turn at the wheel too, thank you. And my turn at the wheel would include a correction of sorts of types like Vinzant.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! Does this mean I can sue Ford because the drunk driver used one to kill my mom??

Note: My mom wasn't actually killed by a drunk driver, she's alive and well... I was using creative license to make a point as absurd as the one posted :)