Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Guess Who's Teaming Up With The Million Moms?

Brooks, too, is not new to controversy. He’s been widely known as one of the city’s most flamboyant activists for over a decade and is a convicted sex offender.
I guess if I was a predatory pervert, I'd want to make sure my victims--and those able to avenge them--were disarmed, too.

It also adds a new twist when they say "it's for the children."

[Via SayUncle]


Jay said...

"Our idea is to try to stop the source of the ammunition where it’s coming from."

Gee, I didn't know Dick's Sporting Goods was the only place in NJ to get ammo. I am sure all criminals legally purchase all their ammo from that particular Dick's Sporting Goods store.

"If you’re not selling handguns, why are you selling handgun ammunition?"

I stand for 'reasonable' gun control - you can't own a gun and you can't buy ammo... I don't care what the law says. You can't even sell what I don't like in your stores.

"Brooks though has attempted to organize protests in the past to less than stellar results. In 1995 he said he was organizing a protest of a Rutgers professor where 2,000 people were slated to attend. Only three people showed up."

If you cancel a march on Dick's Sporting Goods because of cold weather, how do you expect people to take you seriously?

Anonymous said...

"We believe it’s morally wrong to do this and to sell this stuff," Brooks said.

So what should Dick's employees do? Make extemporaneous judgements on every customer that walks through the door and decide who can and cannot legally purchase ammo? What if they turn down a battered woman seeking to purchase self-defense ammo who is stalked and killed by her ex-husband the next day? Don't they have a moral obligation help people in those situations?

What's next? Targeting drug stores for selling cough medicine to teenagers looking to get drunk?

If only these loonies would re-direct their energies toward real solutions that discourage kids from joining gangs. Maybe starting a community baseball and basketball leagues and get a local corporate sponsor?

Just off the top of my head...

As for Dick's not selling handguns, don't get me started on that one...

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight. NJ is one of the, if not the most corrupt state governments in the US and he wants to protest a gun store that doesn't sell handguns? Does the former last sodomite Gov. of that beknighted state ring any bells? How about the dozen police captains, flatfoots, judges, lawyers and many dozen gangsters,all caught with their hands in the public till, peoples pockets, disposing of bodies in broad daylight, lying under oath, and making a mockery of ordinary law abiding citizens? I'm trying to understand how such a place ever became part of the Union, and how it remains there. The sheeple of that sorry state keep voting in worthless garbage that abuses them, betrays them,robs them of their common liberties, and then pronounces the rest of America "fly over country", and unsophisticated. And then this tyranny enabler decides to make a name for himself by picking a bit player out and targeting him for destruction. Yeah, that'll do some good. Mondo Disgusto.