Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Individual Rights Vs. "Reasonable Restrictions"

Denise at the ten ring adds her thoughts to my prediction about SCOTUS and the Second Amendment.

I notice their was also a discussion at SayUncle, with some dissent. Two comments on that:

I didn't specifically address complete gun bans, like in Washington, and that's my fault--especially since I think that's where a favorable ruling is likely to come---if the original Cato-backed case isn't derailed by legislation or a competing lawsuit. I just think that when such a ruling or legislation does come about, the restrictions and limitations will further codify the power of government to permit when, where and how, as opposed to ceding they properly should have no say in the matter.

My second point--don't take soothsaying too seriously--from me or from anyone else. It's just speculation out loud. If I could foretell the future with any degree of reliability, I'd be at the track placing bets.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Reasonable restrictions" is the politically correct euphemism for "Infringements".