Saturday, January 21, 2006

I Choose "Other"

From Dan Gifford:

A legislative update from my California Assemblyman, Paul Koretz, just arrived and it contains the following survey question that should concern all California firearm owners:
"State law authorizes law enforcement to keep a record of every handgun sold or transferred in the state, but the state does not keep any records on the sale of rifles or shotguns. Handgun sale records are maintained by state law enforcement for use in gun tracing and related criminal investigations, and to make sure they are not possessed by individuals who are not legally allowed to have them. Which of the following most closely represents your opinion?

a. California should retain records on the purchase of rifles and shotguns because that would help law enforcement solve crimes related to the criminal use of on these weapons -- it does not make sense to exempt rifles and shotguns from record keeping if law enforcement is already keeping records on handgun purchases.

b. I am not in favor of law enforcement having records on persons who own rifles and shotguns.

c. We should make sure our existing firearms laws are working before we consider more gun legislation.

d. Other, please comment _____________________ "
This is a probe. And it got sent to a trendy LA constituency, so it's also designed to be a self-fulfilling prophecy and pretext. The bastard just won't stop attacking.

I choose "other." And I don't think Assemblyman Koretz would want to hear my comments. Unmoderated, they'd get me arrested.



E. David Quammen said...

So, in other words, after their raping of the Second Amendment. You would be, shall we say, a little concerned about the repercussion for excersizing the First? Yeah, I can see where their reckless disregard for our Rights, is cause for pause!

David, you have been at this a LONG time. And you know as well as I, that it is THEM that are supposed to be afraid of US. Not visa-versa!

What, in your opinion, do WE need to do to regain our Rights? And stop these illegal usurpations? There MUST be a way! If ENOUGH of us stood up in unison, I'm sure it would effect change. As THEY would have NO choice but obedience!

David Codrea said...

Well, David, you just hit the nail on the head:

"...if enough of us..."

That's what it would take.

Right now, the GOP knows they can feed us whatever they want, and the majority of 2a-conscious gun owners will flock to them out of fear of the Dems. So they'll seriously advance a boob like McCain because they can count on everyone being terrified of Hillary.

I'm afraid until a critical mass awakens and unifies, we're in for more of the same.