Sunday, March 19, 2006

We're the Only Ones Adult Enough...

Jamming the barrel of a handgun into a fifth-grader's belly, an enraged Queens parent threatened to shoot the boy in his school playground yesterday - all because he had punched the man's son - the boy and witnesses said...

Antoine said he was walking through the schoolyard of Public School 50 in Jamaica at about 8:15 a.m. when Carlos Ugarte, a federal immigration officer, ran up and grabbed him by the collar.

From this account, it sounds like the reason there was a scuffle in the first place is because the fruit didn't fall very far from the tree. Nice to see he got put on administrative leave. It sure beats what would happen to one of us if similar charges by eyewitnesses were made.


E. David Quammen said...

"Federal authorities put Ugarte on administrative duty"...

All I can say, is UNBELIEVABLE! What do you suppose would have happened, if it were any of us?
Never mind, think we all know the answer to that one.

Anonymous said...

Now you know why schools are gun free zones. That way nobody could evacuate the brain cavity of this sorry law enforcement bastard.

He has a misdemeanor charge. He isn't the only stupid bastard in town, is he? If this keeps up, people will not be content to let the "system work", not if the authorities aren't going to use it. If it was my child and Ugarte didn't draw some serious time, there would be nowhere on God's earth he could hide. And the time he would serve where I would send him would last forever.