Monday, April 24, 2006

Something in the Way She Moves...

Dr Dimitrios Makris, computing lecturer at Kingston University, who is part of the development team, said: "The team at Loughborough will identify these patterns and involuntary activity exhibited by people carrying concealed weapons.

"This will be passed to us at Kingston, where we will use it to develop the identification software.
Tell me, Dimitri, does your role in the developing global police state ever bother you?

No, I didn't think so.

Seems to me that, despite the best laid plans of these amoral eggheads, once people learn what the system's looking for, they could have all kinds of fun intentionally triggering off false positives...


Anonymous said...

I know I would have fun with it! >;o)

Anonymous said...

They may find it rather easy to identify me and others of my ilk. We'll be the ones up to our elbows in their blood.