Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Un Dia Sin Immigrantes

So I guess yesterday was supposed to make some kind of impact, with all those--how did Geraldo refer to them?--"honored guests" not "doing the jobs Americans won't do"...

I did note traffic on LA freeways was a lot lighter, so presumably there were fewer uninsured motorists on the road.

As for everything else, I cook my own food, do my own yard work, clean my own toilets, wash my own car, raise my own kids, and do all sorts of other jobs Mr. Bush tells us we need guest workers for. Heck, I did bottom rung jobs as a teenager, too, delivering papers, mowing lawns, working at a fast food joint, then graduated to manual labor in warehouses and factories (old timers--you remember those--it's where we actually used to produce things) while in college...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

In the old days I built things. Refineries, powerhouses, chemical plants, boiler houses, smelters. All of a sudden those things became evil.

The same people that mandated our helplessness through phony environmental concerns are now mandating our subjugation to invaders through phony compassion.

I didn't notice any disruption here, but to hear the news media you would think we came to a standstill. I suspect they have an agenda. I further suspect that the immigrants here, whether legal or illegal that had a job, went to work. Could it be those not contributing numbered the majority of the flag wavers and protestors.

To anyone that wants to be American, I say welcome. If you want to be something else, be somewhere else. Do it legally, if it is too late for that and you still want to be American, go pay your penalty and join us. Welcome.

If you want to revere your former nation of residence, be there. No hard feelings. Don't break our laws and then tell us we are wrong because we don't appreciate it. If it was so much better where you were, why are you here?

If it is better here and you still don't want to be American your judgment is too flawed for us to want you. Go away/