Friday, June 23, 2006

Dave's Not Here

A minor affectation on my part:

Dave's not here.

I am "David."

If you're my wife or one of my sisters, you can call me "Davy."


Bill St. Clair said...


That's one of my favorite Cheech and Chong skits. Right up there with Chbornak and Sister Mary Elephant.

And I promise never to refer to you as "Dave".

Anonymous said...

Reminds meof a joke which I will share:

A plumber knocks on the door, from inside he hears "who is it" he says responds "It's the Plumber" when no one answers he knocks again, and again from inside he hears "who is it" and again he responds "It's the plumber" Again no answer this dialoge happens many times. Being a plumber, he had a bit of a weight problem and now enraged pounded on the door one last time and had a heart attack and died. When the police arrived one officer asked "Who is it" from inside the parrot responds "it's the plumber"

Larry said...

My younger brother has always been "David" as well.

Bruce Mills said...

Kinda like "Davey" Crocket, who preferred "David", if you can believe the movie...