Thursday, June 22, 2006

Thanks to You, It's Working

The money comes from a Joyce Foundation grant, and grants from such local agencies as United Way and the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois.
So I guess until United Way comes up with a policy prohibiting its local chapters from engaging in subversion, the safest course is to find a more worthy charity to support. Otherwise, you just might find your contributions working to erode your freedoms.


the pistolero said...

"We just want parents to ask if there are guns in the house and if they are locked and unloaded."

I'm sorry, I know this might come out wrong, but if someone asked me this, I'd find it more than a little insulting. As if I was inattentive enough that the kids would stumble across a loaded gun and start playing with it. My kids will know all about guns and gun safety by that time, and I will keep a watchful eye over them always, friends over or not.
"Do you have loaded guns in your house?"
"Yes, why? Does your kid like to snoop around in the bedrooms and closets of his friends' houses? Do the parents of his other friends not keep a better eye on them than that?"

Anonymous said...

I remember where I used to work, we had to practically stage an insurrection to avoid giving any money to UW. Bottom line is, not only do they give money to an organization dedicated to removing forever, our constitutional rights, but they also spend about 65 cents of every dollar they get on themselves as "administrative costs". They are parasites,traitors,and the worst kind of scum.