Friday, July 28, 2006

Judging Self Defense a Crime

A judge criticized a new Kentucky law that allows people to shoot home intruders without being charged with a crime.
So I guess if you wear a black robe, the law is what you say it is, right judge?

[Thanks to Jason M]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Prosecutor Issac: "to go into whether he is immume requires fact-intensive decisions." This kind of statement shows clearly why getting actual justice in this country is hardly possible, short of a ton of money. Translation: Does the law exonerate him? These slime in suits could not utter a truthful statement if G*d was watching Himself. Justice is denied and garrotted by legalese, ambiguity of discourse, and outright lies clouded by fancy terms, much the same way as the war on guns is waged. Since THEY don't like the law, they circumvent it with a lot of jazz. The will of the people means nothing to them except a minor annoyance. They are more terrible than a foreign army suddenly appearing in our midst. They are the harbingers of slavery.