Friday, July 28, 2006

We're the Only Ones With Reduced Charges Enough

A former Seaside Police officer pleaded guilty Thursday to receiving a stolen gun that his stepson later took to school.

Larry Raussa, 62, entered the felony plea with the understanding that the charge would be reduced to a misdemeanor when he is sentenced on Sept. 27 and that he will serve community service rather than a jail term.
Yeah, I'm sure one of us non-"Only Ones" would probably catch the same break if we did the same thing.


Anonymous said...

Let me see... If I stole a weapon from the police evidence locker, kept it at my house unsecured accessible by a minor, said minor then took said weapon to a school...

Yeah, I'm sure I would just get a misdemeanor charge of "receiving a stolen firearm" and serve community service. I'm sure that's what would happen to me as a non LEO...


Anonymous said...

I would LOL if it weren't so prevalent and so hideous. THEY are not subject to the rule of law. THEY are treated as if THEY were royalty, lords of the land. WE are treated more and more like unlanded peasants, killable for getting in their way, and we must not anger them or taunt them or in any way upset them, for they will KILL us at their whim. I cannot even look at police without gritting my teeth.

Anonymous said...

unf**king believable!!

Anonymous said...

I personaly know Larry Raussa,and I can tell you that you do not know the facts in this case such as the gun was turned into evidence. Officer Raussa's superior knew he had the gun it was not returned to the original owner because the man had passed away. the gun had no firing pin and could not be used. Officer Raussa used this broken unloaded gun for educational reason with commuity groups. the gun was left on a high shelf and forgoten about for 9 years.