Friday, August 11, 2006

At Least It's Not Cruel and Unusual

Hodges faces a possible life sentence for possession of the marijuana and possession of the shotgun during the commission of a felony.
I'm sure there will be no shortage of "law and order" gun owners who will deem this a good thing. I'm also sure they will have no problem finding the enumerated federal authority for such arrests, prosecutions and convictions in this document that they proclaim such reverence for...

1 comment:

the pistolero said...

By the same token, David, I'd like to think there will be no shortage of gun owners who see this guy as yet another casualty of the failed War On (some) Drugs. Maybe I do sound a bit Pollyanna-ish at times, though, especially given the number of gun owners who push the virtues of "compromise," no doubt many of whom have drunk the Kool-Aid pushed by the likes of Hugh Hewitt...