Friday, August 11, 2006

We're the Only Ones Safely Storing Enough

A four-year-old boy apparently killed himself today with a handgun he found under a bed in a police officer's home...Anderson has since been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation.

"Administrative leave"? I'll bet if this happened to one of us, we'd be able to look forward to some paid time off, as well.

At least this version says it's been referred to the prosecutor's office. It does, however, blame the gun (naturally):
Detroit Police spokesman James Tate said the gun was a Glock and was the officer's department-issued weapon. The guns have a reputation for having a hair trigger and can easily discharge.
Glocks. Is there any time they won't go off? Nice to see our old pal Tater Head, the citizen gun turn-in enthusiast, out there clouding the issue (again)...

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

1 comment:

Drew said...

Yeah, it was totally the Glock's fault. In addition to the hair trigger (which, I might add, is a tougher pull than the original Glock pull, due to "Only Ones" who put their finger on the trigger when they don't mean to shoot), Glocks have a reputation for finding children and telling them to pull the trigger.
Y'know, one would think the officer's extensive training would make him able to watch some kids. It'd be nice if people would train their kids in gun safety, though, too--it shouldn't all be about making sure they never even see them.