Thursday, August 10, 2006

Just Give Them What They Want...

...and nobody will get hurt.

Right, Sarah?

[Story Here]


You just knew these morons would be ID'd within a matter of hours. Now it's time to blame the guns--I guess that's why the Brady's only gave California an "A-"...


Drew said...

They won't stop at blaming the guns--they'll use it as an excuse to tell neighboring states to restrict guns. No matter where they came from, these guns will initially be thought to be from out of state. If it turns out that they are Kalifornia guns, that'll be an excuse to tighten Kalifornia's restrictions.

E. David Quammen said...

As many of the decent people as possible should leave California. And tell the government why they are leaving.

Those cowardly punks will only be in C.Y.A. for a short time, and then be turned back loose on society. Of course they'll be mad at the people they shot, because they figured they snitched on them.

Did you see the one punk smile when he shot the customer? Cold blooded animal. By the time they both get out of gladiator academy, they'll be even more cold-blooded and cruel.

Our government, with the help of morons like the Brady's, are the cause of all of this. This is what happens when you dismiss the Laws of God and nature, and decide you know better than the founders did. And it will only get worse....unless We The People stop it.

Anonymous said...

And it's obvious from the mug shots on the news website that these two chiorboys have been in trouble before.

Not very smart choirboys, either.