Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Like WHAT on a Bull?

Leggett said he hired a security guard who was at the store at the time but guards cannot be armed.
Isn't that kind of like hiring someone to be a victim?

[Thanks to Jason M]


Anonymous said...

That read like a twilight zone episode.

Guards that can't be armed?

3 months jail time for ARMED ROBBERY!?

Quotes like:
"In this business you expect thefts but I never expected a gun. You are putting people's lives in jeopardy - what if the gun had gone off?"

Uh...Whaat? Huh? Why does this guy "expect thefts"? How is that OK?

And what the hell is this quote all about? "Leggett said the men appeared to be First Nations."

What? We can't say he was robbed by indians? Would that hurt their feelings? Geesh!

These people deserve whatever they get.

Freakin Sheeple

Jay said...

Guards cannot be armed? An unarmed guard is about as useful as serving pork at my synagogue.

"You are putting people's lives in jeopardy - what if the gun had gone off?" Ever think that the perps might not care if the gun went off? Maybe that is why people like you, Mr. Leggett (or your security guard) should be allowed to defend yourselves with guns.

"I don't know what more I can do."

"He also added that there was a time in Williams Lake when a robbery was unusual and big news but recently it is happening more often. 'It shouldn't happen anywhere - especially not a place like Williams Lake.'"

I agree, Mr. Leggett, no one should ever have to suffer a robbery. However, you have assumed a victim mentality. You expect government to fix your problem instead of dealing with it yourself... a government that only sentences three months for armed robbery!

As long as you allow someone to make you a victim, there is always going to be someone to put you in your place.