Friday, September 29, 2006

Bradys Choose Moonbeams Over Substance

Democratic nominee Jerry Brown today received the endorsement of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the nation's leading gun violence prevention organization.

Yeah, he'll do for the state what he's done for Oakland:
The city has now had 106 homicides in 2006 and is on pace to almost double last year's toll of 94.

"Gun violence assurance" is more like it.

This proves beyond doubt the Bradys and their supporters are irrational and primitive fanatics, focused on removing symbols and totems instead of addressing causes and effects. This type of quasi-religious superstition has no place in public policy debate, and certainly should have no bearing on the rights of free and rational sovereign individuals.

Special contempt goes to "Republican" Paul Helmke. If it notices you at all, history will record you as a base subversive, you worm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What, you expected different from the Brady Brats?