Friday, September 29, 2006

Muscling in on the Second Amendment

Rep. Howard Coble, R-N.C., who sponsored the House bill, said it would give the ATF greater flexibility to deal appropriately with minor violations while going after gun dealers who are breaking the law. "Despite what the critics said," Coble said in a statement, "our bill puts additional muscle in the arm of the ATF."
And we would want to do that why...?


Anonymous said...

And the NRA supports it. I swear to God they've been bought off by the government. If only I could prove it.

Anonymous said...

Henry Bowman had the right idea. Don't just disband the BATFEces; get the gov't out of the gun regulation business altogether.

Anonymous said...

Fuck the extra muscle in the arm of BATF***Everybody. I would be happy to see them get more respect for the constitution and the rule of law.

Isn't there a movement afoot to remove weight rooms from prisons to keep thugs from becoming stronger? Why would we want more muscle on the arms of official thugs?