Monday, October 23, 2006

Destroying Freedom: One Zombie Airhead at a Time

Now, Switzerland's biggest women's magazine is leading a campaign to tighten what they see as the country's archaic gun laws. They want lawmakers to create a national gun register and ban loaded weapons being kept in the home.
We've talked about these zombies before.

Any man who submits to a woman disarming him isn't much of a man.

At the risk of being accused of the horribly politically incorrect hate crime of sexism, I'll happily promote the reverse, as well: Any woman who submits to a man disarming her isn't much of a woman.

Freedom-minded men want strong partners, not burdens. I trust freedom-minded women want the same.

[Thanks to Cousin G]

1 comment:

E. David Quammen said...

This confirms it. We most assuredly have a world wide epidemic. Unfortunately, the only means of arresting it are revolutionary in nature.