Friday, October 27, 2006

Did CRPA Endorse Arnold?

Angelides noted that Arnold won the endorsement of the California Rifle and Pistol Association, the state wing of the National Rifle Association, and quickly pounced on connecting the NRA with the Governor.
Interesting, since The Hessian signed the .50 ban.

There's nothing on the CRPA site about this and I haven't located anything via search engines other than this partisan release. I'll keep looking, and I've just emailed the publisher of "The Majority Report" with a request for his source. Meanwhile, if anybody knows anything about this, or gets The Firing Line or CRPA mailers, please chime in...


E. David Quammen said...

Now the supposed 'right' advocates are no longer disguising their treason. They must think that we are all sheep. And just lamely submit to all dictates that have been 'reasonably' decided for us.

Wonder what the price for ones soul is on the open market these days?

David Codrea said...

It's not been proven yet, E.D.--and it's not like democrat activists haven't said things in their campaign materials that play fast and loose with the truth.

Right now, let's just look around and see what turns up.

Anonymous said...

Yes - CRPA did endorse Arnold in their Nov 7, 2006 election guide.

I do not know why I give any of these alleged second amendment rights groups money.

They did not even qualify the recommendation or point out that Arnold signed the .50 cal ban (and other anti gun edicts).

They did not even mention that other parties (such as the libertarians) were feilding a candidate - or even that there are other parties in the contest.

Going the way of the NRA.

For what it is worth

Fight islam Now

David Codrea said...

Fight islam Now: Can you scan a copy and email it to me?

E. David Quammen said...


My comment was basically aimed at the whole political machine. Of which, the NRA and it's affiliates, have never strayed far from.

This is what you, I and others, all know to be the Actual FACT:

"...the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms, shall NOT be Infringed."

The NRA/Affiliates claim "....While widely recognized today as a major political force and as America's foremost defender of Second Amendment rights..."

Yet there is irrefutable evidence that proves quite the contrary. Case in point: The banning of .50 bmg rifles. Where was the expressed outrage and legal battle? All during their history they have worked with politicians in helping to write 'sensible' and 'responsible' 'gun control' laws.

If they are assisting in the perversion of our God-given, Inalienable, Inherent and Natural Right. How can they possibly make the claim " America's foremost defender of Second Amendment rights..."? It is false advertising.

Anyways, that's all I was trying to get across. ;)