Helen Chenoweth-Hage, an outspoken conservative who served three terms as Idaho's 1st Congressional District representative, died Monday after being thrown from a vehicle that overturned on an isolated central Nevada highway.She was that rarest of political beings--one who kept her word, giving up power after promising to serve only three terms--not because she had to, but because she had said she would.
And she was a faithful champion for the Second Amendment.
First Prof. Covey, then Col. Cooper and now Rep. Chenoweth-Hage. We have lost three great leaders and friends in the last few weeks. I only wish more gun owners truly understood that, but, alas, most won't even be aware that anyone is missing.
Such is the cycle of life, and these three are now one step closer to their reward.
New people of faith and courage now must rise to fill their shoes.
The anti's are gearing up and employing new tactics. We must be wise as serpents in combating these vermin. I no longer consider them as human beings. To me, the anti's appear more as pure minions of hell.
e.david, don't you find it just a little too coincidental that school shootings always seem to increase just as the anti's are pushing for more gun control in conjunction with elections?
I know that sounds paranoid, but how many identical cycles can we see that meet the same four or five criteria and not get suspicious?
No SA, I don't think it paranoid. In fact, I would not put it past direct government involvement in orchestrating it. The best way to get people to go along with their perverse schemes, is to tug at the heart-strings. And what better of a way to tug, than with children.
The filthy rich, (and I have documented evidence of it, right off the Library of Congress website), has been trying to subvert our system for years. The old royal blood is still not happy with us 'rebels'. There have been plenty of Presidents that have warned us about them. The ones in the 1800's appeared to have been able to stem the tide. That all changed in the late 1800's/early 1900's.
It appears Wilson had something to do with it, though I haven't fully explored the leads. There is NO doubt that Roosevelt, (F.D.), most DEFINITELY sold us out.
How does that old saying go? "Follow the money, honey"? They don't even hide it anymore these days. It's right out in the open, for ALL to see. Just try to explain it to people though! You get called all kinds of names - nutcase, conspiracy nut, etc.
The DemonRats have been at it since 1805. Our Right being tied, supposedly, to the militia originated with them in the mid-1850's. Prior to that, there is a pile of evidence showing it as a Natural, God-given, and Inherent Right. Well, they went to work on that, as we can see. It all goes back to SLAVERY, and they don't care what color, race or religion you are.
My guess, is that the subversive element(s) pulling many of the strings, would be found in the Treasury Dept. and the Federal Reserve.
Coincidental? I'd go so far as to say, that it's more like Highly Probable.
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