Friday, October 06, 2006

"Swelled"? You Sure You Don't Mean "Metastasized" ?

Mayor Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino announced yesterday that their coalition of mayors fighting for stricter gun-control laws has swelled to 109 from 15 since April.
Nice...uh...reporting,"authorized journalist" Greg Wilson! No one can ever accuse you of being a cheerleading shill for the police state who masquerades editorial support as straight news!

And "gun-ho"! How witty! Oh, my sides, they ache!

You professionals!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'd say "metastasized" is about right for this cancer known as Bloomberg.

E. David Quammen said...

Hope that someone is keeping a list of all of those mayors names. It will help in gathering them for their trials on charges of TREASON. When We The People take OUR country back, that is.....