Thursday, November 02, 2006

Guns in Schools

Ultimately, “a school is no place for a gun,” he concluded.

The author was Columbine killer Eric Harris, who chose “Guns in Schools” for his report topic. It’s not hard to see why he would favor “gun-free school zones”...

Inexplicably, agreeing with the Harris position, was NRA’s Wayne LaPierre, who addressed the 1999 members’ meeting in Denver proclaiming “[W]e believe in absolutely gun-free, zero-tolerance, totally safe schools. That means no guns in America’s schools, period ... with the rare exception of law enforcement officers or trained security personnel.”
"Guns in Schools," my Rights Watch column for the November 2006 issue of GUNS Magazine is now online. I hope everyone realizes it's not every national gun magazine editor who would allow me to speak so candidly in their publication...


E. David Quammen said...

Which just goes to show that Wayne has zero confidence in America's educators, (might have some agreement with that myself, admittedly), or youth.

Whose 'rights' is Wayne watching out for? Ah, yes, his right to a big fat paycheck....

M1Thumb said...

I once had the pleasure of meeting Roy Huntington. It's good to know that he's as avid of a rights advocate as he is a gentleman.

Anonymous said...

I shot small-bore rifles in JROTC for four years - none of us thought school was no place for a gun. I lettered and shot 2nd in the city league.

Also had a de-milled 1903A3 for rifle drill team three years. Under zero tolerance - no place for a gun - this would not have been a letter sport, either.

Wayne is a schmuk. The NRA just wants your $. I did'nt leave the NRA...the NRA "Left" me.