Saturday, December 09, 2006

Buffalo Chips at False Alternatives

Buying a handgun in Buffalo, community activist Arlee Daniels Jr. said, "is as easy as going to the supermarket to buy a loaf of bread."

Erie County Probation Commissioner George Alexander used a slightly different analogy. The message is the same:

"Getting a gun on the street is so easy," he said. "They can get one quicker than they can get their school books. It's a travesty."

...In response to Tuesday's shooting of Officers Patricia A. Parete and Carl E. Andolina, [Mayor Byron "What Can Brown Do to You?"] Brown said the city plans a gun buyback program to get illegal guns off the street.

These people are not only supply and demand-challenged, they're cause and effect-retarded.

Yeah, do your stupid "buyback," like it's something that hasn't been tried with no beneficial results a thousand times before. Pass more "common sense gun laws" and enforce the existing ones. Bring in "Project Safe Neighborhoods" (Oh, you have already?)

Posture and promulgate and publicize, and watch things continue to get worse.

And do everything in your power to make certain the "law-abiding" fear exercising an uninfringed right to keep and bear arms of their choosing whenever and wherever they deem prudent.



E. David Quammen said...


Contend that it goes beyond mere foolishness. I look at it more as evil in action.

Anonymous said...

They need these incidents. If they did not occur, they would manufacture them if they had to hire it done. Else, they have no excuse to more tightly constrict the law abiding productive people. And that is what this is about. Keeping the productive, productive, but not independent with free will. No profit in that for parasites. The criminals (unorganized) and the criminals (orgainized=gov't) are both desirous of the same circumstances. There only complaint with each other is the split. Each wants the profit.

Anonymous said...

"there" should be their- proofreading is my fiend.

me said...

I think I just threw up there...too much propaganda, not enough things like this

" a revolving door criminal justice system in Buffalo"

Then of course, comes the pleas from those enforcing all the unconstitutional "laws"

"I've had a gun pointed at me, and it's the scariest thing in the world," Rodriguez said. "It's frightening, and it can happen to any one of us."

In other words, we don't want YOU to be able to defend yourself from us.