Sunday, December 24, 2006


Pokey-Poke with another gun...

Yeah, those "props" sure look fake...I'm sure there'd be no way to talk to the production people and determine if they were.

I mean, it's not like he's Wayne Fincher, and they have a newspaper photo of him or anything...

Poster © Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.


Ride Fast said...

It is my understanding a convicted felon cannot be in possession of even a prop or fake gun.

There are probably more stringent duplicate state prohibitions against felons and guns in CA.

E. David Quammen said...

It doesn't matter what a person has done in their past, if they have paid the penalty for their past offense. To punish perpetually is the exact opposite of our intended system of government. Conversely, our Rights were/are(?) intended as being held perpetually and inalienably.

If a person that has formerly committed a crime is released back into the "state of nature" they are FREE and entitled to defend themselves. Otherwise we're working against "the laws of nature and of natures God". Those laws are what our govenmental institutions were founded upon. They are transcendent and immutable. Therefore, anything to the contrary is repugnant and, (legally, in the Constitutional sense), unenforceable.

"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void."

- Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (2 Cranch) 137 (1803).

Anonymous said...

e.david, while I agree with you and the decision in Marbury, I think the point David was trying to make is how some of us are more equal under the law than others.

David Codrea said...

Yeah--I thought I made that as clear as I knew how in the conclusion to the original piece that started this all:
"A chronology of Marky's films follows. Perhaps some of them will one day serve as courtroom exhibits. Perhaps on that day, he will wish that this country didn't have so many gun control laws. Perhaps he will then realize that, when deprived of the means to protect life and liberty, human beings become either subjects or prey for those who would 'rule the planet.'"