Sunday, December 17, 2006

There Are Bad Ideas...

...and there are really bad ideas.

Cryptic Subterranean alerts us to the latter: "Password-protected bullets."

Good grief.


Anonymous said...

We need protection from brain-damaged idiot nanny types, is what we need...

M1Thumb said...

I love this part: "The system would undoubtedly cost more than a conventional gun, but many firearm enthusiasts would surely pay a premium for such added security."

Why just last night when I was scouring the Net for any remaining South African .308 surplus (no such luck) my first thought was, "Too bad they don't sell any with passwords. Then I could pay $20 a round instead of 20 cents."

These people are as out of touch with reality as they are with freedom.

Anonymous said...

sorry David, if you want to delete this please feel free to do so.

I only read a line or two and deep in my cups though I am, I recognized idiocy. The words that burst forth were "Jesus fucking Christ, what an idiot!"

I just can't think of anything nonprofane or nonscatological to say. Some ideas are so damn stupid that there are no words reprehensible enough to describe them. This is one of those.

Anonymous said...

Heal us, oh Lord, we've already got the sickness.