Sunday, December 03, 2006

They Hate Us Because We're Free

Sky Harbor International Airport here will test a new federal screening system that takes X-rays of passenger's bodies to detect concealed explosives and other weapons...

The technology already is being used in prisons and by drug enforcement agents, and has been tested at London's Heathrow Airport..

I can think of all kinds of other places these would work once we get everybody conditioned to this. Hey, if it makes us safer, why not? Besides, what have you got to hide?


me said...

I'm thinking bars and clubs, just in case that woman isn't really a never know these days.

schools, they can let teachers operate them, makes it easier for them to pick the student(s) they'd like to rape.

stores, to make sure you're not shoplifting

maybe we should just get rid of clothes.

it's gotten so bad that Ahnold movies are coming true...please everyone DO something about this crap.

Anonymous said...

David C. didn't you mean makes "us 'feel' safer"?

Of course the next question is from whom.

Anonymous said...

Should be fun. The hip replacement, the two bars in my forearm/w/screws, the shrapnel in the neck, the metal whatchamacallit in my ankle, yup, I can give em' a pretty good show. As an added plus, I got some metallic paint, in silver, and they can clearly read the words "Fuck you, boy" across my gut. Hope the nuances and pnumbras come through.

Anonymous said...

I think the folks who think this technology will be used to "oggle nekkid ladies" have too high an opinion of themselves.

Sure, I can see it being a little awkward at first, but once the "new toy" excitement wears off I don't think the screeners will care very much at all...