Tuesday, December 05, 2006

We're the Only Ones Terrorizing Enough

Three more Chicago police officers were charged Monday with corruption, only three months after four rogue officers faced charges of using their badges to break into homes and rob them...

Prosecutors say the officers abused their authority to terrorize and steal from people. They say the men allegedly forced their way into homes of drug dealers and ordinary citizens. The officers allegedly took everything from drugs to guns and in come cases thousands of dollars in cash.
Thank goodness Chicago has such aggressive citizen disarmament in place. Otherwise, someone could get hurt and it would be their gun's fault.

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

[Via Cousin G]


Anonymous said...

Money Quote:

"Prosecutors say the officers abused their authority to terrorize and steal from people."

As opposed to not abusing their authority to terrorize and steal from people...?

I guess they just got carried away.

Anonymous said...

There's so much of this "bad cop" crap that I just can't help but distrust them all, nowadays. That's really sad.

E. David Quammen said...

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Unless, that power is 'checked'. The 1st Amendment, followed by Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms, was intended as the final checks.

They have already negated, or severely undermined all of our other, supposed, rights. Especially doing a good job on the Second, (consider how all of the major population centers have perverse restrictions or outright bans). And they have been steadily chipping away at the First for over 50 years.

If this is not turned around, we the people will be enslaved. Historical precedent proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt.

In other words, the point attempting to be made; is that We The People had better wake the hell up. We have a very narrow window of opportunity left open to us.

me said...

wow, just like they were probably trying to do to the 88/92 year old woman.

At least there where people are still allowed to be armed they got a wake up call and hopefully some more bad press.

I think the people need to set up a database, since the government doesn't have a system to track them.