Thursday, December 07, 2006

Why "Gun Control" Propaganda Works

Essentially because enough people are stupid, uninformed, predisposed to bias and ignorantly opinionated... I know this test was conducted on middle school students, but I wouldn't be surprised to find a majority of their voting parents buying into it as well, which explains why the populace can be sold a bill of goods on just about any government or media manipulation imaginable.

Here's the hoax site--pretty dang funny if the results weren't so pathetic.

[Via Jim Peel]


Anonymous said...

Heh heh heh... The site was pretty funny. No, there are no tree-dwelling octopi, but there ARE (or were, anyway) giant earthworms. They're just not in the Palouse Prairie. They're down in South America, somewhere in the Andes, if I remember the Nat'l Geographic article from years ago.

But this sure does show how the students have been dumbed down, and why the propagandists are so successful. I remember the story where a paralegal presented a case on the dangers of DHMO before the Orange County Supervisors. They very nearly voted to outlaw its use in manufacturing. Not one of them bothered to ask just what DHMO was. Turned out to be dihydrogen monoxide--better known as water.

Anonymous said...

But, he adds, classroom instruction in online reading and other “new literacies” is “woefully lacking.”

Um. And this surprises whom?

Classroom instruction in OLD literacies is "woefully lacking", why would "new literacies" be any different?

This also may simply indicate the liberal/envirowhacko/human guilt brainwashing of kids that takes place in government indoctrination centers these days. They are conditioned to take up the types of "causes" that this faux site espoused. Try directing them to a TRUE Second Amendment informational site and see if they are just as quick to accept the information without question.

Anonymous said...

Oh, trust me, Sailorcurt! I know what would happen! They would immediately disbelieve and disparage anything pro-2A. High screwl (Rush Limbaugh's description) textbooks either don't touch the 2A, or say it's a collective right, meaning states can form militias. I had to address this issue with my son. (Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, my daughter went to the Dark Side of the 2A issue.)

me said...

Sadly they've apparently never heard "don't believe everything you read" and aren't taught to seek out the truth.

They'll believe the crap they see in movies however.

nicolas said...

"today's students are not prepared to critically evaluate the information they find there."

That's because they're taught every day in school to just believe everything the teacher says and never question anything.