This is a placeholder for now because I have not had ads on this blog for years. In case I ever start up again, this will be the policy in effect:
The FTC has some fool nonsense rules about ads on blogs or some such and presumes authority over the First Amendment to compel the unfunded mandate that we who earn ad revenues make some kind of disclosure so you don't think we're getting paid to say nice things about people or God knows what, meaning they must think you're stupid, too. I have had a few ads on this site in the past and may do so again if I think it's worth a try. Combined, I probably couldn't buy a box of good cigars each year, let alone a bottle of George T. Stagg, and that is somehow supposed to compromise my morality to force me to say nice things about products and services I don't mean simply in exchange for filthy lucre. If you believe that, leave now--you're not smart enough to be here. Bottom line, aside from welcoming a sponsor, I will do no posts related to their products or services, or reviews of what they offer.
About "The Only Ones"
The purpose of this feature has never been to bash cops. The only reason I do this is to amass a credible body of evidence to present when those who would deny our right to keep and bear arms use the argument that only government enforcers are professional and trained enough to do so safely and responsibly. And it's also used to illustrate when those of official status, rank or privilege, both in law enforcement and in some other government position, get special breaks not available to we commoners, particularly (but not exclusively) when they're involved in gun-related incidents.
Comment House Rules
Keep them on topic. No spam. No threats against anyone except me. Do not feed trolls--I'll take out the trash. Try to keep it clean. I'm the final arbiter. If you don't like the rules, start your own damn blog.
Link Policy
WarOnGuns reciprocates links with liberty-oriented sites promoting the right to keep and bear arms for all peaceable individuals. If you have linked to me and don't see your site below, it's probably just because I haven't noticed it yet. Shoot me an email via the "Contact Form" (see above in this sidebar) if you want to fix that.
As a general rule I remove links for blogs that have been inactive for over one year.
The Chicago PD, which did such a stellar job keeping those people at Citcigroup Center from getting killed the other day, want to ensure even more disarmed human targets in the victim pool.
I've resisted posting this for some time, but enough is enough with these stupid "buy backs":
Ok, heres' my question. I'm walking up to the local precinct with my Remington 7400 (because I have no clue what the gun is really worth ... besides, it doesn't matter ... I am a good little subject that wants to do my part) and there's Phil Cline waiting to hand me my $50 debit card. I say, "Hey, wait a minute! This is one of them nasty killing machine Assault Weapons. I want $100 dollars." He explains some technicality to me about why it's a rifle and not an Assault Weapon. I say, "Ok, hold on." I walk out to my car and saw off the stock and maybe glue on a piece of metal to the bottom of the barrel (bayonet lug). Oh yeah, maybe even take out the spring and follower from the magazine and try to jam 11 rounds into it to show that it is a high capacity magazine. If the rifle isn't already black, I'll spray paint it too. I might even tell Mr. Cline about how a bullet comes out of the end of the barrel everytime I pull the trigger (thereby demonstrating how fast anyone could spray bullets if they wanted to). Do you think he'll give me the $100??
How are they going to determine what is what? What if, someone does walk in with a sawed off shotgun? ... $50 or $100.
Here's a better one. What if I walked in with a mint condition Rock River Arms M4 (complete with every doo-dad and "looking as mean" as ever) and looked over their "offer" of $100 and changed my mind? Think I could just say, "Naw, never mind. I think I can do better at the gun show over in Indiana" and turn around to walk out. I wonder if I would still get my debit card after the goons pounded me to the ground and cuffed me?
These "buy back" schemes are just a more subtle twist of the same ploy used by the communists and nazis. They will undoubtly resort to more forceful methods on a grander scale before to long. We are losing more and more of our Fundamental Principles every day.
The brakes must be applied soon, or we will lose EVERYTHING.
Ok, heres' my question. I'm walking up to the local precinct with my Remington 7400 (because I have no clue what the gun is really worth ... besides, it doesn't matter ... I am a good little subject that wants to do my part) and there's Phil Cline waiting to hand me my $50 debit card. I say, "Hey, wait a minute! This is one of them nasty killing machine Assault Weapons. I want $100 dollars." He explains some technicality to me about why it's a rifle and not an Assault Weapon. I say, "Ok, hold on." I walk out to my car and saw off the stock and maybe glue on a piece of metal to the bottom of the barrel (bayonet lug). Oh yeah, maybe even take out the spring and follower from the magazine and try to jam 11 rounds into it to show that it is a high capacity magazine. If the rifle isn't already black, I'll spray paint it too. I might even tell Mr. Cline about how a bullet comes out of the end of the barrel everytime I pull the trigger (thereby demonstrating how fast anyone could spray bullets if they wanted to). Do you think he'll give me the $100??
How are they going to determine what is what? What if, someone does walk in with a sawed off shotgun? ... $50 or $100.
Here's a better one. What if I walked in with a mint condition Rock River Arms M4 (complete with every doo-dad and "looking as mean" as ever) and looked over their "offer" of $100 and changed my mind? Think I could just say, "Naw, never mind. I think I can do better at the gun show over in Indiana" and turn around to walk out. I wonder if I would still get my debit card after the goons pounded me to the ground and cuffed me?
These "buy back" schemes are just a more subtle twist of the same ploy used by the communists and nazis. They will undoubtly resort to more forceful methods on a grander scale before to long. We are losing more and more of our Fundamental Principles every day.
The brakes must be applied soon, or we will lose EVERYTHING.
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