Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Call Me a Doctor

SayUncle links to a clip that nicely illustrates the deception employed and relied on by the Bradys. I wonder how many TV-hypnotized subjects will look at the white lab coat and automatically attribute authority to the human stage prop wearing it?


Anonymous said...

O.K., you're a doctor. But you still ain't gettin' anywhere near me with a hypo or a scalpel! >;0)

Meantime, someone ought to bitch-slap Kate Walsh for that garbage!

Stan said...

Those evil gun dealers. They make it so easy for criminals to get guns. Which is exactly why gun dealers consist of the lowest percentages of contributers to criminals.

Math and logic of the Bradyacs.

E. David Quammen said...

"I wonder how many TV-hypnotized subjects will look at the white lab coat and automatically attribute authority to the human stage prop wearing it?"

You mean the same way that look at their supposed legal system and politicians?