Wednesday, February 14, 2007

L.A. City Council To OK Gun Warning Signs

L.A. City Councilman Bernard Parks says he wants to put signs up at gun stores to remind people guns are dangerous.
He also wants to put the language into "contracts", presumably the bill of sale.

I sent him this email to get specifics and will post any reply:
Can you please email me the text of the proposed ordinance requiring gun stores to post a sign?

When will the first reading be?
This is like the forced confessions of times gone by (Admit that you're a witch!), administered by one-sided politically-driven consensus. Naturally unmentioned are DGUs where no one is shot or killed, or the fact that cops have significantly higher suicide rates than the general public--will they receive the same warning notice with their department-issued weapons? And it's not like we haven't seen "The Only Ones" have their share of "accidents," intentional and otherwise.

We all realize, of course, that there is no rationality to this action, other than to commit another official hate crime against gun dealers and gun owners, and the fact that we by and large represent a demographic politically on the other side of the spectrum from Parks and his Council co-conspirators plays no small part in this. Milosevich committed "ethnic cleansing" and the world condemned him for it. These anti-freedom bigots commit ideological cleansing--every bit as dangerous when carried to its ultimate potential--and they're applauded for it.

We'll see if the gun stores fight this--I know I sure would--not only because no group of men should have the power to force you to endorse a political ideology, but also, practically, because such warnings would be tantamount to an admission of guilt in a lawsuit where one of the criteria is respondents "knew or should have known" about potential dangers. To comply with this would be to enter a suicide compact. Under compulsion.

Parks, of course, is the former Chief of LAPD. If he had the first clue as to how to reduce crime and violence, he'd still have the job. Fact is, this incompetent has continually done just the opposite, and made a career for himself disarming peaceable citizens who live in the most dangerous neighborhoods.

I'd like to share a telling email exchange I had about 5 years back with LAPD:

DC: Chief Parks has been a vocal opponent of citizen concealed weapons carry reform. After he leaves the department, will he retain authorization to carry concealed or will he be prohibited from doing so just like ordinary citizens? I would like an official statement so that I can pass it along to other citizens concerned with this issue.

LAPD: Thank you for writing to the Los Angeles Police Department, For more information on your request, please contact the Los Angeles Police Commission at 213-485-3235.

DC:Actually, I would prefer to have a statement in writing. Why won't you answer a simple question?

LAPD: Police officers in the state of California by state law are authorized to carry concealed weapons after they retire unless otherwise restricted or prohibited. However, for an official statement you will need to contact the Los Angeles Police Commission.
The guy's a tyrant and a hypocrite. Big surprise.


Hyunchback said...

Is it time to start marking maps with "Here there be hypocrits" on California?

E. David Quammen said...

"The guy's a tyrant and a hypocrite. Big surprise."

You left out USURPING JACK*SS. Come on David......

ex-Hollywood Liberal said...

You'll find more on Parks here:

By the way, do you have a link where I can find his comments about gun placards? He's a real goofball - that was what most cops thought, and why he only lasted one term.

David Codrea said...

Barry: I'd do an end run around the enuretic school administrator and appeal directly to the students and their parents. They can form a nonprofit 501C3 that is named after the school but not affiliated, i.e., "South Oldham High School Olympians Shooting Boosters," where the parents are the board. Once the group was formed, I doubt the school could even legally prevent them from operating on campus and meeting in a room without risking a lawsuit. It would be a real "in your face" to the commie who said "No," a new opportunity to bring the next generation on board would be created, plus it sure wouldn't hurt your business to help sponsor such a team along with Safari Club.

You can be sure they'd try to ban kids from wearing their Olympians T-shirts and jackets, which would be a worthy battle that would generate much publicity in its own right.

Please tell me you'll consider doing that.

EHL: If by "placards" you mean the new proposed signs, all I have in re his statements is the audio link on the KFI website that my title link goes to. As I wrote, I have emailed his office asking for the text of the ordinance--I tried looking it up on the LA Council website, but they have so many damned agendas, each one over 20 pages long, and for some reason when you type "gun" into the search dialog box on their .pdf file, the system goes nuts-I kid you not.