Thursday, February 15, 2007

Holy Lockdown, Batman!

Three schools in the north Phoenix suburb of Cave Creek were on lockdown for about 45 minutes Wednesday morning after a student at Desert Arroyo Middle School reported seeing a person dressed as Batman run across campus, jump a fence and disappear into the desert...
That's all it seems to take these in these days of Lite Brite Terror.

Some certainly seem to be doing their utmost to condition their charges into fearing everything.


BobG said...

Damn, that one leaves me completely speechless..

me said...

I spend some time in the "costume community" due to work. They're some of the best people, going to hospitals and events. IF there was a batman, I somehow doubt it was the caped crusader, perhaps one of those OTHER batmen who stomp kittens and shoot children...the ones who cause the innocent to be scared.

That or an illegal who had so much fun at the border he wanted to hop another fence and show off...maybe?

M1Thumb said...

"Conditioned" is right on, David. They're getting the sheeple trained to need them for everything.

And here I shamlessly plug my own blog:

It's a post about the Boston lunacy.

Jay.Mac said...

How soon before a school is closed down when someone says they've seen a UFO?

Weeks, months...