Sunday, February 25, 2007

I, Terrorist

WarOnGuns is the bottom left "terrorist" link. Others include The Washington Post (go figure that one!), Outdoor Life, NRA-ILA, Remington, A Keyboard and a .45, Nuge Board, Blog O'Stuff, Guns and Game forums, Gun Law News, and The Firing Line (active links are on my blogroll).

I didn't link to this total loon because she's obviously screaming for attention, so why give her what she wants? Still, I'm not so far removed from enjoying boyhood cruelty that I can't have fun pointing and laughing, particularly when there's a good chance it'll be noticed and give Li'l Missy here a hissy fit.


Anonymous said...

Awww, come on, David! Let us fill her comment section with all kinds of withering scorn! We just wanna have fun, too! ;0D

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Now she has gone and hurt my feelings--just completely ignored me. Guess I know my place in the scheme of things ;-) .

David Codrea said...

I know, Crotalus, but she keeps her site meter non-public and another blog she owns averages 3 hits a day, so I really think being ignored will infuriate her more than getting flamed. Write me offline if you insist and I'll give it up.

And 45superman--it it's any consolation , I consider you a terrorist par excellence. Next time I want to blow up a marketplace, you're comin' with me...

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Thanks, David--I feel much better now. In fact, I've decided that my next atrocity won't be a suicide bombing, after all.

David Codrea said...

Y'know, 45, it's been a while since I've made a video of sawing an infidel's head up for some of that?

Anonymous said...

I think Murtha qualifies as an Infidel...

Anonymous said...

No, if you can't bury her in e-mails, there's no point. (She's a smart little bedwetter!) And you're probably right: ignoring her will tick her off more >:0D

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Sure, David--I'll just go and sharpen up my infidel-head-lopper-offer. Just call me a terrorist-in-training (if you use the acronym, that will probably send her over the edge, too!).

M1Thumb said...

More proof that these blogs are nothing more than breeding grounds for hate and radicalism. Ban them! Do it for the children! We're much safer with authorized journalists than the likes of you loons.

Fits said...

I was wonderin when someone would have the guts to talk about some of them useless daycare centers and turning them into shooting ranges.Wait hold on..

Sorry. I got it all backwards. Nevermind.

Nicki said...

Awww. I'm pissed. Here I am, blogging from Kosovo, making Bush's imperialist Halliburton kingdom into a terrifying reality, and I'm not on the terrorist list either?


Yuri Orlov said...

Post the link! It's so much fun to point and laugh. From what I've seen so far, it should be a riot!


Anonymous said...

On a final note, I see that she needs serious remedial help with her English grammmar! I find it hard to make sense out of what she wrote!

BobG said...

You mean I have to buy a EBR to get any recognition from the gun-grabbers? Semi pistols and military bolt actions don't count? Damn!!

Anonymous said...

I was wonderin when someone would have the guts to talk about some of them useless daycare centers and turning them into shooting ranges.

My big pet peeve is golf courses. What a shameful waste of a perfectly good rifle range.