Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ah, But There's the Rub

"Who knows what the intention of the individual was?" Irvine said.

Irvine said if Higgins had a concealed-weapons permit, he would not have been arrested.

Well you have a gun, Lieutenant. Who knows what your intentions are?

Oh, but I forget. You're an "Only One." You're more trained, competent, smart, loyal, trustworthy, brave, kind, reverent and clean than the rest of us unwashed masses.

Just tell us one thing, though: How the hell does someone without special connections get a permit in LA County?


Anonymous said...

What's wrong with you, David? Clearly, this is a case where Lex Ovis, Non Dominus * applies.

(*The law is for the sheep, not the masters)

...not that getting a CCW is any easier in any other county in California. I wonder if LA County would be required to extend reciprocity if one could acquire a permit in some other California county, though...

Cousin G

David Codrea said...

Not so, CG--there are rural counties and communities where CCWs are routinely issued--and state prememption laws require reciprocity.

Anonymous said...

David, can you only apply for a permit in the county where you live, or can you go to another county that's friendly?

E. David Quammen said...

"Just tell us one thing, though: How the hell does someone without special connections get a permit in LA County?"

The same way that one does in BloominIdiotberg's N.Y.C. or in mayor Daley's Chicago; On your knees, or grease the palm....

Being a Sovereign American citizen just doesn't cut it anymore....unless your an "Only One" that is.

Anonymous said...

I don't know Latin, but doesn't ovis mean egg?

David Codrea said...

crotalus: The chief of police has discretionary "authority" (and I use the word while wincing) to issue permits to residents of the town or ditto for the sheriff to residents of the county. CA enacted legislation some years back to stop the practice of allowing them to issue to out-of-towners/countyers, because there was a pro-CCW chief doing just that and it PO'd too many other chiefs/sheriffs. I believe they MAY be able to issue also if you have abusiness or are emplyed within their jurisdicitions, but am not sure--I never cared enough about permits to investigate--you could probably get that verified over at the NRA-ILA website--they have a compendium of state gun laws.

Anon--no, ovis is the genus for sheep. Ovum is singular, ova plural for egg.